Monday, March 9, 2015

Princess Diana #2

Princess Diana is a very inspiring person. There are many reasons for it. Starting with her work to help patients that suffer HIV, to her work with starving children in Africa. The book, "Princess Diana" by Joanne Mattern, shows us a lot of insight to The Princess of Whales' life. Last week I read about her life as a little girl. This week I read more about her teenage years. Diana wasn't very good academically. At age 16, like any other girl at the time, she took exams to see if she would go on with her studies. "Diana failed her exams twice and had to leave school." After failing, she was enrolled in an institute which taught girls things like: foreign languages, cooking, and sports. Diana wasn't interested in anything a her new school offered. She was one of nine girls in her school who didn't speak French. A few months later she convinced her parents it was a waste of money and time. She finally left that school. At age 18, Diana moved out. Although her wealthy parents, she decided to work small jobs like baby sitting. Surprisingly, many upperclass girls had the same type of small jobs that Diana had. She always had good chemistry with kids. She assisted a teacher 3 days a week. "She was very good at getting down to the children's level," said Kay Seth-Smith. He owned the school with she worked in.  She absolutely loved working with the children. She remembered those years as the funnest years of her life. 

Princess Diana was also known as the People's Princess. She is well known for the way she's brought attention to things. For example, she brought attention to HIV and the use of landmines. Learning about her earlier life, before she became a princess, showed me that she is a very independent person. When she was a born, her parents expected a boy. They weren't very trilled. At times she even felt guilty for not "pleasing" her parents. Diana and her younger brother recalled their childhood to be very unhappy. "raising the children fell on nannies, servants, and tutors. Diana's brother later recalled that he never sat down to a meal with his father until he was seven years old." She had a very lonely life when she was young. Also, her parents divorced when she was young, so she was always divided between both parents. Those years encouraged her to do things on her own. When she failed school she wanted to live on her own. "Diana was eager to be on her own in London, but her parents insisted that she was too immature and could not live on her own until she was 18." Once she turned 18, she immediately moved out with 3 other friends. From there on, her adventure began.   

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